Apr 22, 2010

Recipe for Success

One of the things learned early on in baking is how important it is to follow the directions. There are ingredients that are vital to the way a recipe will look and taste when it is completed. A recipe comes with steps and it is important to follow those steps. Some mistakes can ruin what is being baked but other mistakes can create a new and better tasting treat. Mistakes seem to be a necessary part of growth no matter what we are doing.I have changed some of my recipes over the years but there are always certain things that cannot be changed for the desired results.If done properly there is something delicious and worth waiting for when all is done. In my business I have to follow a recipe for my baked goods but then there is also a recipe to follow if I am to make the business of selling a success. This is where I must place my focus in order to take things to another level.
Today I had the pleasure of speaking to a woman named Tera McHugh from the Association of Women Entrepreneurs http://www.associationofwe.com/ . I would like to publicly thank her.She opened my eyes to some new ideas and helped me understand the things I had already accomplished. We discussed at length what I might be able to do in order to make my business thrive. She asked me a question which I thought I had answered. The question was "What makes Rich Delights Different"? All the reasons I mentioned  did not seem as unique in words or on paper as they are in my mind. I still believe I have something special to offer but I must be able to articulate that in order to attract new customers. I have avoided talking a lot about myself because I thought it would detract from my business but she pointed out that we often buy from people we like or can relate to which means I need to figure out a way to share more of myself. Part of the reason I wanted a store front was so I could do that on a daily basis but until I am able to have one I need to seek out other ways....One of the things I am most looking forward to is putting the personal inspirations I write in every gift bag or package. I want to make my bags and boxes like opening a fortune cookie and finding a message inside. I have begun looking into doing that and believe it will make people look forward to reading and eating from Rich Delights ....The bottom line is that I will never build the business with or without a store front until I can sell the consumer on why my treats are especially worth their dollar and why it is a great idea to let me do the baking whether it is for gift bags, party favors or personal treats. My goal during the next few weeks will be to re-introduce myself and Rich Delights in a way that will make the idea of ordering one you don't want to ignore......Until then I will keep...baking4you!


  1. Lori - FABULOUS! Having an inspirational message included with each treat seems to go right in line with your company name Rich Delights! Not only will your baked goods taste delicious they will leave people feel inspired with the messages you will include. Now that is unique and I love it! Perfect for gifts, for when you need a pick me up a cookie & a motivating message! Nice job!! Looking forward to seeing where you take this and it was a pleasure talking with you! I look forward to connecting with you again soon!

  2. interesting insight into marketing.
